Let's talk about money in India.
Oh, it's not about I ran out of cash and ended up eating Mc Aloo Tikki nearly everyday this week :P
India Rupees are quite funny sometimes

I wonder why do Indians like to write numbers on their notes?
Don't they have better place to write on? -__-lll

You can find almost 70% - 80% of the notes are written with numbers on the similar blank spot.
Nope, there is no instruction of "Please fill in the blank" on the notes XP
And look what I discovered today

In the whole stack of 500 Rupees, there is one which is in different color
I'm still wondering if that is a fake note or not... The color difference is so obvious!
.... but these are all from the ATM machine neh~ @__@
No wonder even the local people complain that they are confused with their own country's notes
Ok, let's move on~

Here is how a command 10 Rupees looks like

And this is the older version of 10 Rupees, if I'm not mistaken
I think it's very antique looking, so I was thinking of keeping it
But when I look closely....

What the....!!!! "Happy New Year"?! =____=
I do not have other example of notes, cause I almost finish all the small notes
So, let's see how's the coins looks like

They have 2 versions for 5 Rupees. They look normal. Yeap~

Eh? Suddenly you see a "victory" sign appear~ Yes, this is how India's 2 Rupees looks like.
I dunno... but compare to their other version on the left, the one on the right just looks so fake (can't find other word to describe)... Funny looking 2 Rupees indeed
Wait! There's more~

This is how their 1 Rupee looks like in 2 versions. The bottom version... "thumbs up"
This is just....... just too much XD
One of my group mate, Steve is actually thinking of collecting all the "thumbs up" coins and give them to his friends as souvenir. Whenever you are indecisive, just flip the coin to decide. If "thumbs up" means you should do it~ XD
So what do I think of it?

India Rupees............... good arrrrrr~ yeah~ XD
Oh, it's not about I ran out of cash and ended up eating Mc Aloo Tikki nearly everyday this week :P
India Rupees are quite funny sometimes

I wonder why do Indians like to write numbers on their notes?
Don't they have better place to write on? -__-lll

You can find almost 70% - 80% of the notes are written with numbers on the similar blank spot.
Nope, there is no instruction of "Please fill in the blank" on the notes XP
And look what I discovered today

In the whole stack of 500 Rupees, there is one which is in different color
I'm still wondering if that is a fake note or not... The color difference is so obvious!
.... but these are all from the ATM machine neh~ @__@
No wonder even the local people complain that they are confused with their own country's notes
Ok, let's move on~

Here is how a command 10 Rupees looks like

And this is the older version of 10 Rupees, if I'm not mistaken
I think it's very antique looking, so I was thinking of keeping it
But when I look closely....

What the....!!!! "Happy New Year"?! =____=
I do not have other example of notes, cause I almost finish all the small notes
So, let's see how's the coins looks like

They have 2 versions for 5 Rupees. They look normal. Yeap~

Eh? Suddenly you see a "victory" sign appear~ Yes, this is how India's 2 Rupees looks like.
I dunno... but compare to their other version on the left, the one on the right just looks so fake (can't find other word to describe)... Funny looking 2 Rupees indeed
Wait! There's more~

This is how their 1 Rupee looks like in 2 versions. The bottom version... "thumbs up"
This is just....... just too much XD
One of my group mate, Steve is actually thinking of collecting all the "thumbs up" coins and give them to his friends as souvenir. Whenever you are indecisive, just flip the coin to decide. If "thumbs up" means you should do it~ XD
So what do I think of it?

India Rupees............... good arrrrrr~ yeah~ XD
Abu, 如果你没有去印度,我都不知道你这么有幽默感的。
因为我深藏不露啊~ XD
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