Thursday, December 31, 2009


Was sick for the 2nd last week of 2009
Lost my appetite
However for the last week of 2009,
just right after I got well
It just happened that I have the opportunity to eat a lot
Oh man, I'll have food phobia if I keep eating like this
It is the same description I'll describe the year 2009
Ironic and contradictive
(Hope I'm using the correct word ~_~ oh well...)
It's a year full with twists and turns
Exciting, like a roller coaster
And it doesn't give you a second to stop and breath
It just keep on going on and on
That is why I really feel like time flies on 2009
Oh, I heard fireworks outside my house
Here goes 2009
and welcome to the year of 2010
Just let it flows as it goes


EL O said...

I thought u forget ur blogspot passwords alr, long time didnt update~ lol

Happy 2010 New Year!!!

陈宝琪 said...

You didnt go out to play meh? I thought new year eve you would go out party.

Paw said...

hahaha, a bit lazy and dunno what to write about, will try to update more from now on ;D
Happy New Year to you too!

=_='' I'm such a party animal mehz?! Stay in condo also good ar, no need to squeeze with other ppl~

Paw said...
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Nicole said...

me too, also stay at home...sleep like a pig...haha